I’m having an issue with actors attached to my character completely vanishing (variables empty and mesh disappears) when I crouch in a 3D side-scroller. I have one socket attached to my character’s back via the L_Clavicle and another in his right hand. When I crouch, the one on the back vanishes on the first attempt and if I stand up and then crouch again, the one in my hand will show up for less than 1/10th of a second as being attached to the back socket and then vanish as well.
I’ve also had this happen when jumping but there it’s very hit or miss vs the 100% reproduction rate on crouching.
I’ve disabled all collision on the weapon meshes and only have overlap events on a collision sphere to allow for pick-up of the weapons in the first place.
I’ve also checked my Input mappings to make sure that it wasn’t something obvious like that.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
So I’ve verified that jumping, while aiming down (I have a +/- 90 degree upper body aim-offset in place) will result in about a 40% replication of the issue as well. Aiming up or anything other than straight down doesn’t appear to trigger it.
This is extremely frustrating. Does anyone have any ideas?
Moved this over to Bug Reports since I think it’s an engine issue.
Hi ,
Thanks for responding. I can’t believe this and feel like a complete moron. It was a result of further overlap events because I wasn’t disabling collision / overlap events.
I’ve moved it back to the Scripting section since the only bug involved was mental on my part.
Resolved by disabling collision on the weapons after picking them up. Additional overlap events were being generated and it was counting each item as a new pickup without there being an actual new item to use to replace the one being “replaced”.
Hi ,
Thanks for the response. It turns out that the only bug involved was a mental one on my part. I wasn’t disabling collision / overlap events so the string was firing off for a new item collection without an actual new item and as a result was deleting the “old” one.
I moved it back to the Scripting section. Sorry for wasting your time.