My ship comprises of many blocks who is Actors.
In Ship Editor I Attach blocks to ships as Actors to Actor
I weld simulated bodies.
And I expect that when I run physics, this blocks will behave as one solid block. But they not. Blocks fall apart on physics simulation.
I need actors to be carriers of physic knowledge like mass and so on, because in future fights, ship might lose several blocks and its center of mass will shift.
And also all other fun stuff with thrust applying points e.t.c.
How I make blocks stay glued to each other like one object?
And more broad question - Is UE5 even a good Engine for physics based game?
I found one variant that works at least in terms of physics:
*) Insted of Actors use StaticMeshes
*) Meshes need to be attached to Sockets
*) ONLY MAIN BLOCK Need to have physics enabled. All other blocks need to be “weld physic body”
Eah… not grate but at least that works in terms on physics
Aand it gone
I can use components added in runtime as they not visible in details panel of an Actor. It will be close to impossible to debug or even understand the state of a ship without visible components and their variables.
Im blocked from both sides.
Looks like ue5 dont have a way to implement my game idea without heavy c++ coding.