Actor attach to actor node question ...

Hi everyone.

I noticed that in 4.13.1 the “attach actor to actor” node is “depreciated”.
I am still using it with Sequencer to attach things together with animation tracks and it seems to work fine.
Just curious what are the new alternatives? Has it been replaced with what?

Thank you.

Assuming it follows the C++ API (which seems like a reasonable assumption) you should use AttachToComponent instead, and if the input component is the root component of the actor in question, the result is functionally the same as the old AttachToActor (i.e. you’re attaching X to the root of some actor Y).

I see thank you. I am actually building a submarine moving under the water so there are no bones in it just movable meshes.
I am building it in sections because I learned from a similar job in the past its better for lightmaps and collisions to do it this way.
Then use attach actor to actor to have all the pieces “sail” together.
It works fine so far and I have a LOT of pieces attached so far.
So I can walk around with my character inside the sub while its moving :slight_smile:

I also notice you cant attach a reflection capture sphere to a moveable mesh.
So I guess you have to string them out in the path of whatever your are moving through the map.

Gotcha. Bones/sockets are optional as far as that method is concerned, so you should be fine.



Yeah this method worked well with Matinee.
In Sequencer you just to “attach to track” and select the meshes or lights you wanna move along with it.
You still need to follow through though and do the actor to actor.