Activating binary for artifact from command line

I’m trying to implement the build pipeline for Steam and Epic Games Store. I’m able to upload the binary with BuildPatchTool but couldn’t find a way to set it active for the artifact from command line. Is it possible at all?

It would be a nice feature at least for the non live sandboxes to automatize activating the test builds just as Steam allows it for beta branches while still requiring user input and approval for the default (live) branch.

Ah, my bad. Apparently it’s LabelBinary mode that activates the binary when label parameter is given as Live. So this is my full line on my batch script for any future lurkers:

call “%EPIC_BUILD_PATCH_TOOL_PATH%” -ClientId=%EPIC_CLIENT_ID% -ClientSecret=%EPIC_CLIENT_SECRET% -OrganizationId=%EPIC_ORGANIZATION_ID% -ProductId=%EPIC_PRODUCT_ID% -ArtifactId=%EPIC_ARTIFACT_ID% -BuildVersion=%GAME_VERSION% -SandboxId=%EPIC_SANDBOX_ID% -Label=Live -Platform=Windows -mode=LabelBinary

(SandboxId parameter said to be optional on the BPT instructions PDF but the process fails if it’s not given)

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