Actions along a spline - how should I approach this?

Hi Everyone,

I’m working on a small project and I’m not 100% sure on how to approach it …

To explain what I want to achieve, I want my character to follow a very specific path, this would involve straights and curvature etc. which happens automatically but along that path the character needs to be able to do stuff like jump etc.

I’ve managed to blueprint in a spline to get the character to follow the path I want but if I try and jump, naturally it goes weird. So it feels like I need to pause the spline part of the BP while the character jumps (I haven’t managed to get this to work properly yet).

Before I spend more time down that route, does anyone have any ideas on how to do this better or am I on the right track and just need to carry on working through it ?

See if this approach would work for you:

  • here’s my spline:

  • I generate a dummy vector for the player to chase:

This way you get all the benefits of the movement component. This 5.0 is hard-coded here to demo. Ideally, you would add a bit of script to ensure this point never gets too far from or too close to the player - clamp its progress.

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amazing, thats an interesting way to do it … I’ll give it a go and feedback if that works but the demo video is essentially similar what I’m trying to achieve. I’ll feedback once I’ve had a try later today.

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You can also set this:

To 1 to avoid momentum carrying the char away while airborne.

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