Action RPG Inventory System

If you want class specific items you could create a new Enum for Classes (IE All, Warrior, Rogue, Wizard)
Then you would add a new Item Property called something like ClassesAllowed of your new type Enum Classes. By default leave it to All.
Now you can use that to set it up in the UI to read this data to show what classes can equip this item in the ItemToolTip. If it’s set to All you will probably want to hide the text.
(You can see examples of this already in the ToolTip)
When you try and equip it just add a quick check in the OnEquip logic to compare the Characters class to what the Item ClassesAllowed is set to if it’s something other than All.
The same could be done for gender or race specific items. Adding something like a required item level would be even easier (if you have a level system :))

It will just be 1 handed.

Adding Two-Handed Weapon types that un-equip the OffHand slot when equipped and prevents it from being used should be fairly straight forward when a little more familiar with the system.
If you give it a try and have troubles let me know and I will offer advice and add it to the list of tutorials to make.

Very Nice :smiley: PS that image doesn’t show haha.

I will give that a crack making two handed weapons show up in both slots after the update is out.

Pirate do you have any idea why i would get this message when export skeleton mesh in 3ds max? thanks

ahh must do that to the images to force you to click and view their ads. It looked fine on my screen but I guess that was because I had it cached :C
I’ve updated the images on the earlier posts.

That sounds great, I definitely encourage people to create tutorials and help support each other.

Hrmm not sure does it still import to unreal? sometimes the warnings in Maya don’t prevent the FBX from being exported and imported into unreal.
But I haven’t used max in years. If you are seeing it I’m pretty sure other max users have ran into the issue at some point.

You should join Slack and ask in the Animation or Graphics channel :smiley:

If people aren’t aware there is an unreal development community that uses slack. It’s a great place to talk with other people and bounce ideas off of.
Unreal Slackers Slack Group Info

It does show but only if every think is weighted to a single bone, if i use more than 1 bone to weight the mesh only one bones mesh will show up in the editor, I even tested importing one of yours and still got the message when exporting it with nothing changed.

Yep just joined stack :slight_smile:

Hi Pirate,

I seem to be having the same issues as others with weapons not showing when equipping. Even after I added a physics asset and recompiled and saved everything, the weapon still would not show up. I noticed in your video, you renamed the root bone to “Root”. Is this necessary for this to work? As a reference, I’m using the FPS Weapons Pack from the store, which has all of the FBX files in case I need to change anything.

I used Pirate’s re-exported knife.fbx, but still doesn’t appear at player hand

I have added my own healtpackage, and it’s health to 20. But it gives me health hole time, much more than 20.

Just to be clear these are not issues with the Inventory System but an Art/Engine issue with 4.10

There seems to be issues with 4.10 and the FBX importer as well as this Physics assets in 4.10. I have never seen this flashing/Disappearing Item before when attaching to sockets and I have been using unreal since 4.4.
These issue were not present in 4.9.2 and I noticed a lot of issues with 4.10 over the last few days working with art on another project.

Let’s hope they are fixed with 4.11

And you gave it a physics asset?

If you want it to be an instant 20 health set the duration to 0. If you want it to restore 20 health over 5 seconds (4hp a sec) set the duration to 5.

Thanks for the information, Pirate. I’ve thought about it overnight, and this actually might be where I need to merge the inventory system into my own weapon system, instead of using the inventory system to manage the weapons the character shows and uses. I just need to find the link in the chain that actually tries to equip an item when moved into the character item slot and add my own logic to add the weapon blueprint to the player character similar to the logic I already had when adding the weapon. Thanks for all of your help, and can’t wait to see more tutorials in the future.

If you look in the EquipmentCharacter class there are 2 functions. OnRep_MainHandMesh() and OnRep_OffHandMesh() these are what equips the items to the character/sockets when you equip a Main/OffHand item.

How about adding existing gear items to this system? So far i had issue with adding my own gear items to a character, often not aligning up with the character movement, item attachments were an issue. Can you explain how to deal with adding new items. In particular i want to know: Would it be enough to assign an attachment point? Are items scaled automatically to fit the player model, otherwise would it be enough to scale accordingly? Thank you.

If you wanted to just throw all of your art on sockets you can change how the EquipmentCharacter works by removing the different SkeletalMeshComponents and adding more sockets to the Skeleton. Then you just need to edit the OnRep_Functions() in the EquipmentCharacter to attach to sockets when equipped instead of syncing the skeletal mesh to animate with the player. Please look at OnRep_MainHandMesh() function for an example on adding meshes to sockets on equip.

Update 1.1 that is out today re-imports the melee weapons to stand up, includes an example of a gun and updates the main-hand and off-hand socket rotations.
*This will give you a standardized base setup and make it easy to support both melee and other types of weapons when you start using your own animations. *
These changes were made to make sure the system follows 100% how Epic has exported art in their examples as that is the proper way.
Marketplace assets are not forced to conform to any sort of standardized export requirements.

For the best results with clothing and animations you need to export your skeletal mesh art assets skinned to the skeleton that your character uses. This will allow your clothing to match the animations of your character and move with him. I understand not everyone has a lot of experience with game development and art pipelines so I will try my best to offer advice on how to export assets properly.

Sockets are great for attaching things to a character that don’t animate with the character. Like your weapons in your hands, or a shield / weapon holstered on your back as the sockets are attached to the bone and will rotate with the bone. The problem is that they can not blend with your animations and that is why sockets don’t work for clothes. If you take a pair of pants and attach it to a pelvis socket you will instantly want those pant legs to move with your characters legs and animations. What you will see are a pair of stiff pants that rotate with the pelvis and your characters legs walking through it’s static looking stiff pants.

Unlike many of the beginner tutorials and other inventory systems on the marketplace this system is built to use a proper setup to achieve professional results with character equipment.
It makes it a little more complicated at first if you have no art experience. There are plenty of art and animation tutorials for unreal to learn from.

Any equipment system you see for sale built with only a Main-Hand, Off-Hand, Head and maybe a simple Chest equip slot using sockets is trying to sell you a quick and “easy” solution to just take your money and not provide a real world system.

I will be working on a few simple art export tutorials using Maya that should help. But there are plenty available online to get you going before I can post mine.

Also a lot of the art for sale on the marketplace comes from Unity and/or isn’t always setup following standard unreal practices.
If you are buying art be careful or at least prepared that you will have to fix some things up yourself. Most of that art won’t simply be “plug and play” because many of them don’t follow standard practices.
It is best to assume when purchasing art from anywhere that you are buying just the Model/Texture and in most cases you will have to make changes and re-export it properly.
Even things labeled as PBR often don’t have proper PBR material and textures setup.

Epic did a new multi-part tutorial series covering skeletal meshes.

I would recommend everyone getting into unreal to really take a look at their youtube videos.
They have a lot of tutorials to teach you how to use unreal in all aspects of the engine.

Does anyone know if v1.1 is available to download yet? I don’t want to do anymore work to my project until I can get the update going. Thanks!

Epic has assured me it will be out today. It should be out shortly and I will post an update when it is.

You’re the man. Thanks again, for all the help and support with this system moving forward!

I personally can’t wait to see how you all use it :D. I hope people share some screenshots in the thread when they are ready to show off.

I have version 1.0 working inside my project. Would it be possible for you to specify where you have made changes? Perhaps a change list from source control?

I can compare the updated to the original, but it would help if I have some idea of where to look.

Also, do you anticipate frequent updates?


You can find the update notes there and they mention what was changed and in what files and the area.
There are a few extra changes because this was an opportunity to quickly add some more polish while addressing the sticky tool tip and drag window bugs.

I don’t expect to make updates to the core system moving forward unless changes with new engine versions demand them.
The demo content will receive updates and enhancements overtime if there are changes that will benefit everyone. More specific changes would be tutorials or videos demonstrating how to do it yourself.
I will document any changes moving forward even more thoroughly than I did in this update. That way if something is changed you will have exact knowledge of what was altered and can easily integrate the change.

It seems they are having troubles with their update system. The marketplace lead is working on getting the update through to you guys.

Pirate, I feel you guys are gonna burn out! Due to being so focused, driven and available to us :slight_smile:
Thanks for the hard work and dedication you guys are putting into this release, I know we all appreciate it very much!