Action RPG Inventory System

hi can u help me with my problem in page 117?

What I done, copied the container widget, then setup this new ‘buy window’, hence adding a interface property bool for IsShop?, then on the InventoryManager added that bool and done the available logic for the container again for the shop. On events such as moving items from this shop window into the player inventory I make a transaction check (has the player enough gold, also added an InventoryItem integer for price, to check against upon transaction. It’s a bit rough but works here. The drag and drop logic is found on the container item, here again making basic bool checks if the player has opened a shop window (instead of the default container).

thanks thats helped a lot also in page 117 for the crafting one do u know what might cause it not to fill when its on multiplayer?in single player crafting works fine but on multiplayer its broken…that fill recipies fucntion is not being called for some reason

Make sure that the needed parts are replicated.

anyone ? :frowning:

do u have discord?so far i think most of the needed vars is replicated properly

what do you mean by dynamic?

Is there ALS V4 integration tutorial ?

can you explain why i should never loop? i don’t understand why i should never loop.

also if i dont loop, how am i going to get all of the items in the container/inventory?
even if i make it myself, i would do a loop and then add it all to the inventory…

if possible, can you show an example or an alternative to the code?

are you still doing your crafting tutorial?

if you are, can you also create a separate inventory (array) for the crafting materials so that the mats go into that inventory instead?

You can loop to get the items thats fine just don’t loop to add them because you will be calling these functions over and over which is just bad, instead you should code some logic to check your Inventory and handle the TakeAll as a single function.

the thing is that alot of the variables are local variables and the inventories for containers are local too…which is giving me some problems and i just looped the function and it worked.

also do you know why i cant seem to get any overlap events from the mainhandweapon reference?

i did a search and it is now spawning the actor, so it should overlap but it doesn’t.

i checked the weapon_actor and it seems that collision is set to ignoreall on default, so i set it to overlap all but nothing happens.

i also checked the weapons, the axe, dagger and sword and they all have a physics asset in their skeleton so i have no clue why they are not overlapping…

please help

I think i see what your saying. Interesting. Thanks

edit: nvm. it was UE fault

I’ve had this asset pack for a couple of months now when EPIC were giving it away. I have tried to set it up but no luck there!

Does anyone know how to setup the ACTION RPG inventory system from Market Place? I am using a third person template for a first person shooter and I do not have a character controller which should make it easier. If anyone could shed some light on this I would be eternally grateful!

Cheers! Glyn.

I have never tried to bind onbeginoverlap. Not even sure if it works with those overlap functions, those may already be bound from within the system. . Sorry, not good at event dispatchers at all. What are you trying to do with it?

i was just trying to make the weapon…hit something so that i can do stuff like dmg…

i found out that the problem is not me but UE. basically you need to pull the overlap event off the weapon reference and not use the green boxes

since you’re replying, are you able to do a separate inventory for crafting mats only since you’re making a crafting system =D

Not sure i understand what you mean by separate inventory for mats? Mats like metal, ore, etc would just be inventory items.

yea. alot of games have it now. a separate inventory for those crafting mats. like ff14…ect…ect

Your talking a bunch of work there, then you get a separate array, duplicate/change several functions to work with that array ( ex, get item, add item, remove/add stack etc). lots work.