currently stuck trying to swap out the animations of the main char in the “Action RPG” Project, i can swap the animations but once I do I can’t deal damage the conventional way
I cant seem to find where attacking and weapon damage is handled in this project, unless it’s all done through weapon collision and animation?
is there any way to swap the animations for a totally different model and skeleton with replacement animations and just putting the same weapon socket so everything works quickly and easily? (in my case the paragon asset I’m using has their own weapons so I’m thinking of changing it to a hidden weapon through blueprint and putting the socket back so the new dagger matches the sword collision size if this is the best method)
is this handled in C++? I looked at the source code and nothing looked like what I need at all
the first part of the game with the first character done is at: Children of The Khorne by Seedro if anyone is interested in what I’ve done so far