Action Name not settable ?!


i have a little problem.

I created an array of Input Action Key Mappings, but cannot set the Action Name.

But there are 6 members: Action Name, the 4 Modifier Keys and the Key.

Everything can be set, but not the Action Name.


I appreciate any help :slight_smile:

That could be a bug to which I have no solution BUT if you still want to use your array you can create a list in your text editor, like this:


Then copy all of it (it has to be in your clipboard) and RightClick on your InputActionKeyMappings to the left of 2ArrayElements (in your picture) and select Paste. That way you can fill your array WITH ActionNames. You could also have a look at the EnhancedInput plugin which is alrady in the editor. Maybe this will also help you :slight_smile:

Hello! Just check out Input in Project settings - there Name can be edited not in ActionKeyMapping details, but in customized details for InputMappingContext…