Hi guys,
so i tried to call a blueprint by using a varible as reference. I want to call a variable called Print [it sets a bool as true if it got hit by my character line trace] and than change a text render component adding a letter.
What i’m missing? Why it says:
“Error Accessed None ‘Character’ from node Branch in graph ‘EventGraph’ in blueprint TextRenderActor_Blueprint”
Any Ideias? [I made a text render blueprint… maybe it is the wrong way to do?]
Making variable is not enough, you need to set object variable and in order to call something on it, other wise it’s state is “None” and you can’t call functions (or get variables in this case) from nothing. You need to get object by searching for it or by using functions, lot of objects are reference to each other so you can access from relation, event return actors that trigger it and so on. In you case it seems you want to get Character pawn, there is node for that:
It’s good for single player, but in multiplayer it might be harder.
Watch this video which i explain how classes and objects work: