Account compromised

Had some asslick obtain my username and password somehow today and promptly buy himself $500 worth of assets. What a *******. I quickly changed my password and emailed epic (and checked the seller payout settings to make sure they hadn’t changed) but he’d already spent our rent and drained that account. If you’re reading this ******* you’re lucky there’s an internet between us.

Rant over, phew. Anyway, has anyone else had this happen lately? I guess it’s from the original forums breach, should have updated my password back then.

I would presume the breach is via some forum you registered with, if I remember correctly vbb uses MD5 as default however since it’s php it’s always possible to switch to plain text instead of MD5/SHA1. Whoever has the permission will see your password in plain or in MD5, but not mentioning MD5 is very easy to be reversed nowadays.

My suggestion is to use separate password for the account which have credit card associated, and use another password for email, and use another dummy password for forum etc. This will ensure your 3 layer password won’t be all compromised like a chain effect.

For marketplace simply just separate them from forum…

My account was compromised a few months ago. In my case, my password was scraped from another website with shocking security and I foolishly used the same password here. Nobody is safe folks, always use different passwords!

@Antidamage - We’ve brought this thread to Epic’s attention in mod chat.

I always use unique passwords my man. But that is the reason that SSO is less than ideal in all circumstances, if someone has done something like set up a hook to copy a password from a secure system to a less secure system on change then you’ve got yourself a flaw. Without knowing anything specifically I’d bet that’s still going on with the UE forum today.

Sure do. PM me.

Thanks dude, I appreciate that. A quick response would be super helpful right now.

Btw @Antidamage - on dark theme I can’t read that text :stuck_out_tongue:

What kind of savage uses the dark theme? It’s based on the mobile theme! :wink:

People who have Adie’s tonic of blown pupils like myself haha.