(Accolade devices) Some creations grant too much XP. Any idea why this happens?

On one of my islands the players can earn experience with the accolade device, but I just do not understand how a elimination can give only 50 XP and in another popular island the elimination grants more than 2.000 XP or 11.000 XP if you make a headshot. This is completly a life change for the creation, as players want the most ammount XP possible.

Somebody can explain this or the creator is using a exploit?

Is not anybody that has experience with this Accolade devices? I am watching a lot of creations that grants stupied ammount of XP for doing nothing and I think probably it is an exploit.

I would like some clarity about this

Though it’s not exactly clear how the experience is given out per each individual island, from what I can tell, it is shared from a pool among all of Creative / UEFN islands. This means that if you play at a certain island at the beginning of the day, you will probably get more experience from that, with diminishing returns as you get more XP.
Another factor, which I imagine might be affecting your case scenario, is that you can set the level of difficulty required for each different accolade. I’ve not yet tested out the accolade devices, so I can’t speak for certain.
Would you be able to share the configuration being used for each of the accolade devices?

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Hi Justin. Thank you participate in this thread.

Captura de pantalla 2024-01-08 094145

These all all my accolade devices, only a few of them had a very large award

From 10 to All Eliminations the awards are from small to very large award and they only activate 1 time every 2-3 hours (depending on how much time takes the player to complete the 477 guns)

Where I am worried is on the “Headshot” and “Single Level” accolades.
The Single Level is award with every kill and the Headshot if you eliminate the enemiy with a headshot.

Single Level:
Captura de pantalla 2024-01-08 094209


What I am seeing is that the “Single level” only brings about 50-200XP where in other maps is like 10 times more. Same with the headshot accolade.

From your screenshot, it appears you have set your “Single Level” accolade XP Award to “Small”. The other creators may have set the XP Award to “Large” or “Very Large”.

I already tried the large options. It seems exp is bigger when you enetr a map for the first time