Accessing Variable in Level Blueprint from other blueprint

Im trying to acess bool variable of XXXXblueprint parent of character.h in LevelBluePrint, but it rising error

I reffered all links [Direct BluePrint Communication][2] document and some of UE4 AnswersHub but no use
What I did is just Creaate Reference variable of XXXXBlueprint in LevelBluePrint and accessed it, but no use.

I need to access variable from other blueprint into levelblueprint

Is the XXX BP in the world when event begin play if fired?

Also, At what point is the reference being created, I would normally do that at begin play.

Hey I’m newbie, I cant get what your asking Blueprint in the World means
EventBeginPlay wont work in level BP?

ok, give me a sec.

Here is an example of how to reference another BP

As you can see, this is done right at the beginning.

Then I can pull any data later on.


As far as I can see, you are trying to get a Var, before the reference is made.

Does this make sense?

Raising same error

I dont want set the variable of other BP in LBP just i need to access it

Ok, your sweep reference is your LeapDebugCharacter BP?

Try it like this

Or this will work to


So will this

Yes Its stops error but wont work that variable values did get back from that BP

Don’t think the Cast to BP2 is needed here. Doesn’t the Get All Actors of Class (BP2) and the GET (0) give us the unique BP2 reference anyway? I tried a variant of the code above and was given a notice that the Cast was unnecessary. Removing it made no difference to functionality (see below):