Dear all,
I am new to C++ and it might be an easy question for you all professionals, but I am stuck somehow and are not moving forward anymore.
I would like to setup a blue print which takes a VideoTexture as Input, calculates the alpha based on chormakey calculations and returns as output the now change videoTexture.
So going step by step, I first setup the blueprint node like:
#include "ChromaKey.h"
#include "MediaTexture.h"
UMediaTexture* UChromaKey::CreateChromaKeyTexture(UMediaTexture* ChromaTexture)
uint32 VHeight = 0;
uint32 VWidth = 0;
// VHeight = ChromaTexture->GetHeight();
// VWidth = ChromaTexture->GetWidth();
return ChromaTexture;
Which worked fine and the blueprint node shows up with the correct type of input / outputs.
When removing the comments of VHeight = … and Width = …
I receive a compiler error saying: .
Error C2039. “GetHeight” is not an element of “UMediaTexture”
My Header-File looks like:
#include "Kismet/BlueprintFunctionLibrary.h"
#include "MediaTexture.h"
#include "ChromaKey.generated.h"
UFUNCTION(BlueprintPure, meta = (DisplayName = "ChromaKey Conversion", CompactNodeTitle = "ChromaKey", Keywords = "Converts ChromaKey Texture"), Category = Game) static class UMediaTexture* CreateChromaKeyTexture(class UMediaTexture* ChromaTexture);
In my Build-File I have included
PublicDependencyModuleNames.AddRange(new string[] { "Core", "CoreUObject", "Engine", "InputCore", "RHI", "RenderCore", "ShaderCore", "MediaAssets", "Media"});
What am I missing here ?
Any idea is welcome…
No one any hint for me?