Ok so I set up a struct
struct FStruct
FVector2D Vector;
FStruct() { Vector = FVector2D(0.0f, 0.0f); }
then I created a FStruct and made a pointer for it:
(in my .h)
FStruct MyStruct;
FStruct* p_MyStruct = &MyStruct;
Now I have a functioning pointer, right?
I have this function that takes in memory addresses like this:
IsInRadius(FVector2D &TestPoint, FVector2D &StartPoint, FVector2D &EndPoint);
And this works really well for normal FVector2Ds, but when I try to use this function with members of my pointer, thinks get messy:
IsInRadius(p_MyStruct->Vector, p_MyStruct->Vector, p_MyStruct->Vector);
I get an error, presumably because my struct is a pointer and it is pointing to a vector.
"Nonstandard extension used: ‘argument’: conversion from ‘FVector2D’ to ‘FVector2D &’
The weird this is, doesn’t is usually convert my FVector2D values? Like if I straight up do:
FVector2D Values = FVector2D(1.f, 1.f);
and use this vector, it works fine. Anyone know what I’m doing wrong?