Accessing GBuffer from C++

For a university project I am working on implementing an RGBD camera as a plugin for Unreal.

Right now the plugin works by using three SceneCaptureComponent2Ds in order to capture a fully rendered image of the scene, depth data and an object mask. I had some issues with SceneCaptureComponents (e.g. the captured image being darker than ingame), so my instructor suggested “skipping the middle man” getting the data directly from the GBuffer.

I found GetGBufferData in DeferredShadingCommon.ush, though I don’t whether it’s possible (and if yes, how) to access that function from within regular C++ code.

I also am aware of the option View Mode → Buffer Visualization Mode menu in the editor and tried to investigate how that is implemented, hoping to find some code to have a look at, but so far I haven’t found anything.

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This is another way than not to use SceneCapu:This is Base On Unreal4.18

Source Code by BaiPaoXiaoDao

    		UTexture2D*, vTextureAsset, TextureAsset,
    			/*if (!IsInRenderingThread())
    			FRHICommandListImmediate& RHICmdList = GRHICommandList.GetImmediateCommandList();
    			FSceneRenderTargets::Get(RHICmdList).AdjustGBufferRefCount(RHICmdList, 1);
    			static const FString ScrollingMessage(TEXT("Hello World: "));
    			GEngine->AddOnScreenDebugMessage(-1, 0.2f, FColor::Red, ScrollingMessage);
    			FSceneRenderTargets& SceneContext = FSceneRenderTargets::Get(RHICmdList);
    			if (SceneContext.GBufferA)
    				FTexture2DRHIRef vTextTarget = SceneContext.GetGBufferATexture();
    				FString vSiceStr = FString::Printf(TEXT("FSceneRenderTargets GBufferA Size = %d*%d"), vTextTarget->GetSizeX(), vTextTarget->GetSizeY());
    				GEngine->AddOnScreenDebugMessage(-1, 0.2f, FColor::Red, vSiceStr);
    			FSceneRenderTargets::Get(RHICmdList).AdjustGBufferRefCount(RHICmdList, -1);





