I can access the first person camera in the character’s blueprint but not in the level blue print. I am trying to do a ray cast to highlight the selected object. So, I need to get the camera’s location and rotation.
hi HarshiniIsvi ! you can just use “Get Player Character” node and Cast it to your character blueprint and get your camera so easy ! just like this :
Awesome! thanks It worked. I just started using unreal engine. So, pretty confused. Can you suggest me how to go about learning C++ and blueprints in unreal engine 4 (other than the official video tutorials).
Hi Gentleman72!
Would be really neat if you could show the whole blueprint. Sitting here and ripping my hair of at the moment!
i just want to show how to get Camera
there is a book called “Learning C++ by Creating Games With UE4” written by Wiliam Sharif from PACKT publishing
it was so useful for me