1: From Event Play, plug to Create Material Instance Dynamic.
2: Connect your Get Material to Create Material Instance Dynamic.
3: Drag a wire from Return of Material Instance Dynamic.
4: Search for Get Bool in which you can specify the parameter name.
I read from the documentation that static switches (where these bools are presumably used in the material) are a compile-time thing so I was wondering if that explains why these parameters aren’t exposed via blueprints. Then again, you have both ‘Static Bool’ and ‘Static Bool Parameter’ so maybe that applies to only the former node and this is just an oversight? I’ll have to check if these are accessible via C++.
For now I ended up using a scalar parameter and multiplying it with the relevant nodes instead.
PS: just realized I’ve bumped two of your old threads that seem related to item highlighting in one way or another. Sounds like I’m looking at the same stuff that you were 5 months ago!