Hello everybody
I’m following a YouTube video on Turn Based Games. I’ve run into this problem which I can’t seem to locate. I’m a beginner and I tried searching for the problem. Please help.
Hello everybody
I’m following a YouTube video on Turn Based Games. I’ve run into this problem which I can’t seem to locate. I’m a beginner and I tried searching for the problem. Please help.
Let me start off by saying that you should keep away from Youtube tutorials for a while. Not that all of them are bad, but most of them are. If you are determined on YT, then take things with a grain of salt, and just get the general idea, not the code as is.
GetPlayerController(index) isn’t a node you want to use when doing multiplayer. In your case you’re doing GetPlayerController(index>0) on client and the error is telling you that’s null. The reason being is that on client you only have the owning connection’s PlayerController, which is GetPlayerController(0). On server GetPlayerController(0) will return the first player’s PlayerController, while GetPlayerController(1) will return the second player’s PlayerController, etc. With that being said, you should refrain from using this node as there are always other ways to get the PlayerController.
The better, much more reliable resource you should be checking is the following:
UE4_Network_Compendium_by_Cedric_eXi_Neukirchen.pdf (1.6 MB)
Thank you for fast reply and your help. I’ll definitely check it out!