I tried to prepare a NPC setup but recently I started to get this eror. I don’t know why. Can anyone help? Thank you.
Looks like Ryan Laley AI tutorial, check the patrolPoint is set on the NPC in the editor
There’s only ever one answer to this question. Scroll over to the right in the message, and click the last link. It will take you to the node which is getting ‘none’.
I suggest adding an “IsValid” node after each cast to something. (use the “?” IsValid).
For example you are casting to “SwordCharacter”, but not checking whether it gets it or not.
Put a PrintString out of the “Cast failed” from the IsValid nodes too so you know if one failed.
I can’t guarantee this will help find the problem, but it maybe that. So then you would need to ask yourself why it can’t find one of those things - are they dead? Been deleted? Something else?
Thanks for everything guys. I solved it. The problem was the patrol path.