Hello, i would like to know what im doing wrong and how to fix this!, please someone could you help me? D:
i would really appreciate it
Trigger Minimap → Target Trigger Minimap looks to be None/Null
Add another Is Valid check on the child parameter (before you check Is Overlapping Actor).
I don’t have your exact blueprint, but try something like this
To my knowledge the AND boolean follows in order and an early false will stop further comparisons so it should work. If it doesn’t then you might need multiple branches.
That doesn’t solve the issue of why that variable is none though, which depending upon your use case you may have to debug.
didnt works :c
Should i modify something of this?
Try this first, unlink the rest and just pass your first Trigger Minimap to the. Your function won’t work correctly, but do you get the same error? It would be a bit easier to debug if you rename the child parameter to something else too.
i did that and have no errors.
Ok so it’s your child variable that is None. This means it isn’t set to anything, is that supposed to be the case?
It seems AND samples all options and doesn’t break early, but there is a work-around by sequencing the branches instead of using AND, e.g.
well, i want to make that when the player is overlapping the trigger, the widget should appear if i press a gamepad button
makes sense but your parameter TriggerMinimap is none, what does that object do?
Don’t see a reference to it being created/set to the parameter.
In this instance, i have to press Y to choose FirstPerson Mode.
And suppose the minimap should appear right there, but it doesn’t. (Reference image)
in your begin play you only create planta piso 1 and not 2
but when i enter on the trigger is created planta 2 and is hidden the planta 1.
It might be that your event is called before your create event. Either way your TriggerMinimap child parameter is still null and it won’t trigger the Set Visible part
oh! what i should do in that case?. Put the Set Visible node in the beginplay?
So I assume the problem is that your Minimap Box Collider is just a variable, you need to actually spawn it and attach it to your minimap for it to trigger. This is why it is none, and you won’t ever reach the print strings (it will go false on the second I’m guessing)
what do you mean about spawn it and attach it?