Accessed None Error, but it works fine

I’ve come across one error i cant get fixed. Like i have MainMenu and EndLevelVolume level transition. And on triggering one of them the variable MMGoTOLevel or SetNextLevel should be preset. As i run my Playermanager, who sets the position of player in next level, theres an error:
Blueprint Runtime Error: “Accessed None trying to read property CallFunc_GetActorOfClass_ReturnValue”. Blueprint: PlayerManager Function: Execute Ubergraph Player Manager Graph: EventGraph Node: Branch
Can it be because MMGoToLevel and SetNextLevel have no default values. Either way, it works like it should be, the position is right like it should be.
After using Main Menu to get to the next level: (MM is == PlayerStart, so it gets true like it should but String before “not it scope”, btw works with every level not just one, but debugger always says “not in scope”)

After using EndVolume: (SetNextLevel == PlayerStart, so it gets true, and works like it should be)

thank you :))

See it’s whining about


You’re getting no actor there, I would say…

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