I’m getting the following error repeatedly when trying to add collision bodies to a skeletal mesh physics asset. I can add about 3 bodies before UE 4 crashes, but it is consistent with the crashing. The error doesn’t tell me anything that might help resolve it. I have removed the intermediate and binaries folders and recompiled the project, but this keeps happening regardless.
Access violation - code c0000005 (first/second chance not available)
PhysX3PROFILE_x64!physx::Bp::BroadPhaseSap::batchRemove() [d:\build++ue4+release-4.14+physx_compile\sync\engine\source\thirdparty\physx\physx_3.4\source\lowlevelaabb\src\bpbroadphasesap.cpp:888]
PhysX3PROFILE_x64!physx::Bp::BroadPhaseSap::update() [d:\build++ue4+release-4.14+physx_compile\sync\engine\source\thirdparty\physx\physx_3.4\source\lowlevelaabb\src\bpbroadphasesap.cpp:685]
PhysX3PROFILE_x64!physx::Cm::Task::run() [d:\build++ue4+release-4.14+physx_compile\sync\engine\source\thirdparty\physx\physx_3.4\source\common\src\cmtask.h:59]
UE4Editor_Engine!TGraphTask >::ExecuteTask() [d:\build++ue4+release-4.14+compile\sync\engine\source\runtime\core\public\async\taskgraphinterfaces.h:868]
UE4Editor_Core!FTaskThreadAnyThread::ProcessTasks() [d:\build++ue4+release-4.14+compile\sync\engine\source\runtime\core\private\async\taskgraph.cpp:1255]
UE4Editor_Core!FTaskThreadAnyThread::ProcessTasksUntilQuit() [d:\build++ue4+release-4.14+compile\sync\engine\source\runtime\core\private\async\taskgraph.cpp:1149]
UE4Editor_Core!FTaskThreadBase::Run() [d:\build++ue4+release-4.14+compile\sync\engine\source\runtime\core\private\async\taskgraph.cpp:621]
UE4Editor_Core!FRunnableThreadWin::Run() [d:\build++ue4+release-4.14+compile\sync\engine\source\runtime\core\private\windows\windowsrunnablethread.cpp:74]
Any hints as to what this means would be much appreciated. My only guess is that Unreal has some type of limit to how many collision meshes can be added to a physics asset, or how many polys they can include. If this is the case, is there any alternative for creating custom collision on a skeletal mesh?
Hello Lanthorn,
From looking up this callstack, you seem to be the only person who has ever received this crash, at least in 4.14, so this may be related to the asset itself that you’re trying to add collision to. Could you try testing some of the other skeletal meshes in the engine such as in Starter Content? Also, if you can, could you share the FBX for the asset that is giving you these issues? If you would rather keep it private, you can send a download link to me in a private message on our [forums][1].
This issue has actually paled in comparison to a second issue - I was able to get past Access violation - code c0000005 (first/second chance not available) simply by limiting the number of custom collision meshes to 3. Mind you, these import at 100 times their size and have to be set to .01 in the mesh editor before being brought into Phat, and then re-positioned.
Once that is done, my skeletal mesh (hollow) vehicle works fine - I can go inside it, and my animations work as expected. However if I add this model to a blueprint and enable physics, the bones lose attachment to their vert groups, and the object flies/spins around uncontrollably. This appears to be occurring because the mass of the collision volume is still being added into the vehicle, and offsetting the center of gravity calculations.
This was reported in this thread, and ticket UE-35599 is still ongoing to address this scenario. I can get around this by using static meshes, but its a comparison of 80-120 fps for a skeletal mesh vehicle vs 25-45 for the static mesh vehicle, which is not going to work out for this project.
There are a number of folks that would very much like to use articulated ships that can be possessed in Unreal, and use them in a space sim (I’m one of them), but this is currently extremely problematic in Unreal.
I can’t find any other alternative way to use skeletal meshes in a blueprint as pawns, with physics enabled, and can’t find any examples of this actually working for anyone else, Maybe I’m missing some crucial detail, but I’m about to just port everything out and do this in Unity 5.
I’m glad to hear that you were able to fix your crash issue. As for the other problem, unfortunately there isn’t much I can do about that. You’ll need to wait for the issue to be fixed. If you haven’t already, I would suggest voting for it on the public tracker so that we’re aware that more people are interested in it.
One thing to keep in mind is that there is also always the option of not using our built in vehicle system. In certain cases, a custom vehicle system setup is better, such as making an arcade racer. While waiting on the fix, I’d suggest looking into the alternatives as it may end up being a better fit in the long run.