In order to help us troubleshoot your issue, please provide your DXDIAG: (Windows Start Button>(search “dxdiag”)>Launch dxdiag>select “Save all information”>attach text file to your post.) and provide the following information:
Did you hit “Submit” on the Crash Reporter pop-up to send the Crash Report to Epic?
Also, if the crash reporter window is present when this happens, select “Copy Callstack to the Clipboard,” paste that information in a document and add to this post.
-and, if possible, please include the following logs:
Thanks for the documentation you’ve sent so far, however, I have not been able to locate your crash on our crash reporter page which collects data from your machine only after you hit submit (or shift + enter) when the crash pop up window is open as shown here:
If you could recreate the crash and press the “Submit Crash Report” button that would help pin point why this occurring. If you have done this, something has prevented your report from showing up on our site. I can submit a bug report without this data, but the developers will be limited in determining the cause of the crash. Thanks again for what you’ve submitted so far.
I was able to locate your crash report in our records and have filed the following bug report: JIRA [UE-7051]. Due to the holidays it may take longer to get to this specific report. However, once a developer has had a chance to look at it, an update will be added to this post.
Thanks for taking the time to submit all requested documentation.
Although, I was unable to reproduce the crash here, looking at the crash report it appears there is a problem with the “LensDirt.uasset.” Try removing this from a copy of your 4.6 project (keep the original to work with in 4.6.) and open it with 4.7.