I recently had to reinstall Windows 10 because of an update bug (https://answers.microsoft.com/fr-fr/windows/forum/windows_10-windows_install/windows-rollback-ne-marche-plus-après-une/817c8c07-a048-4b98-9c9b-0359efb47219 the thread is in French but has a lot of images) and I started reinstalling some of my games. I reinstalled Fortnite but it crashed when I launched it. I have the same problem with other games made with Unity (Besiege and Unturned), Unreal (Darwin Project) and other big games (GTA V). The crash files are available here : https://drive.google.com/open?id=10qp22lxcvAh3U7hTf9zF_dXxmpjOU9WF
Thank you