Access python library in runtime

i’m new to unreal, i have this python library that sends requests and i was wondering if i can use blueprint or c++ to access it in runtime.

You can only run python code in editor.

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python library that sends requests

Personally i sticked to the way of using of:

  1. built-in http client
  2. built-in tcp socket

If your case allows it - you may use them to access your “requests target” directly, or build some proxy app\service on a language than have reasonable support of both ue’s methods, as well as the one you need

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I have a restful web API service that i’m trying to make accessible to Unreal users, it has two libraries , one written in python , the same written in c# .Net , i’m trying to see if i can use the service in unreal with the python library, seams like it is not doable, i need to create my own unreal plugin so my service can be easly accessible by other unreal users.

Unreal can make http requests, sure.