Access blueprint variables from c++


I’m still trying to create an “Inverse Bool”(bool = !bool) blueprint state. Ideally I would’ve wanted 1 input, which would get the variable by reference and change it. Now, when I do this :

void MyLibrary::InvertBool(bool& a)
	a = !a;

then all I get in the editor is an output. I don’t want both an input AND an output for such a small action, so I was wondering, how can I access blueprint variables directly from a script? I wasn’t able to find the Get/Set Variable function in the source.

Ideally, what I’d want would look like this (Pseudocode):

void MyLibrary::InvertBool(Fstring boolName)
	bool a;
        TryGetBlueprintBool([out,ref] a);
        a = !a;

How can I make such a thing ? Any help would be appreciated.


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I believe that node already exists, called ‘NOT Boolean’. It has a boolean input pin and boolean output pin. Generally that is the way you want to build functions exposed to Blueprints, rather than using in/out parameters.

thanks, yes that’s what I was looking for.
Just to clarify though, is there no way to pass a struct by reference? Ideally I would only want 1 input pin and no output pin, so the graph could look more tidy.

You can pass a struct by reference. By default Blueprints treat ‘const ref’ parameters as input and ‘ref’ parameters as outputs. However, you can use a UPARAM macro to tell it that a ref parameter is actually an input. Here is an example:

UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category="Math|Random")
static void SeedRandomStream(UPARAM(ref) FRandomStream& Stream);

thanks a lot, this will make things so much cleaner :slight_smile:

would be pretty cool to see things like this in the documentation as a comment^^