Accelerate Object

Dear Unreal Community,

Today I tried around with the movement component of UE4. Then a question got in to my head: How can you accelerate or deccelerate an object smoothly as simple as possible? You know like in physics. There are to values inital speed and max speed but other then inital speed there seems no effect on acceleration. Have you any Ideas?

I appriciate your time. Thanks

This is not the specific answer but should lead you to some inspiration.
I have a modified graph from a previous answer of mine just to have a bit of fun.
This is a BP actor that has a Collision Box in it. When something (with physics and collision enabled) goes into the box you can accelerate forwards or backwards based on O and P keys (Enable input first in the BP)

Pressing O or P will set a Boolean variable that it is being held down, releasing the key will set the Boolean to false.
While P is pressed, Event tick will get all actors in the box, find their components and add an impulse to push it forward… The longer you hold P the more acceleration builds up
While O is pressed (but not at the same time as P) there is a loop that will apply a negative force to slow the objects down or push them backwards.

Thank you for your answer! But I’m wondering why there is no built-in solution in UE4 for real movement physics like a bullet which looses speed over time. Feature request?