about viewport properties

hey guys, I found a setting “default viewport mouse lock mode” which in the project settings panel → Engine-Input–>Viewport properties. How to use this. Can you give some visual examples,
Similarly, I have the same question about the Mouse XY 2D-Axis.
thank you very much.

Default Viewport Mouse Lock Mode determines when the player can’t move their mouse outside the game window. Lock on capture is the one you’ll probably actually use- it prevents your mouse from leaving the window whenever you’re say… looking around or aiming. Basically, if your mouse is invisible, it will be kept in the window with this setting.

You can find details on the other ones by hovering over them, but they’re pretty self-explanatory.

I don’t know what your second question is. The mouse xy 2d-axis is an input. It tells you how fast you’re moving the mouse up/down and right/left.