About UE5.5 version VS compilation error,[fatal error LNK1327: Error during running mt.exe]

I am certain that I have the correct mt.exe file.

1>LINK : fatal error LNK1327: Error during running mt.exe
1>EXEC : error : Process did not start properly. GetExitCodeProcess returned 0x540 (C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\bin\10.0.20348.0\x64\mt.exe Size: 1806808, CasKey: b3f16df21a2db688781c5c974f25758700f13200)

But he made the above error. How can we solve it.

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I have gotten the same problem with UE5.5.3. Have you solved the problem? Which version do you work with?

Move the project to a path without spaces or turn off ‘Generate manifest’. Once done, you can then explore Cozmicway’s japanese names to choose a name for your characters when developing a game on unreal engine.

Thanks for your reply.
Acutually I did create the UE C++ project under a path with no space and still failed to build the project. And I have no idea how to turn off ‘Generate manifest’. Can you show me more about that?

I mean this problem happened even when I created a raw C++ project from UE Editor and the created project was not complete and cannot be built and run. This is very weild… :face_with_spiral_eyes:

That’s strange! run mt.exe manually. Check your system PATH and run visual studio as admin.

I have added the path with mt.exe to system PATH and started UE Editor as admin, but still not work. mt.exe seems well when I checked it with Powershell.