I got a little dumb question, Im making a map in UEFN, no team, but my friend wants to help me by making a song for the map, I must add that he is a musician so he only wants to make the song, not to be in my team in the UEFN map
my question is
The rules in section “6.1.2. Special Requirements for Musical Works.” says that “Usually, to own all the rights I have to do both a) wrote the music and lyrics yourself and b) performed and recorded the music yourself.” does that means that only I can make the song and not my friend? or as long as my friend gives me all the rights everything would be okay?
if yes, then If I have all the rights, that allows me to give him credit by showing his name and name of the song every time its played in the map, am I correct?
even though in the same section of the terms and conditions states that “This means, among other things, you may not upload music: that you wrote, performed, and/or recorded jointly with others.”
Im no lawyer, but here is how I interpret those statements.
In this context “yourself” means “you or anyone from whom you have been granted permission”.
So, as long as you or him wrote and recorded it should be fine.
And you don’t need to give him credit if he does not want to be given.
Btw, what type of music does he make - or is that all part of the surprise?
Your making me curious now :3
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Hello there, aaahhh I see, well I will proceed with adding them then, and there are currently 2 songs, one is totally custom as the artist feels like by just watching my map. He is keeping it as a secret for now, the other one will be metal or a mix of metal dark synth song
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