About removing from parent

I found a question mention, it seems that removing from parent will not execute the node behind. When I click the button removing from parent, sometimes it doesn’t execute the node behind it, sometimes it executes again, I’m not sure, maybe after removal, the one behind it fails?

Hi jigoku - the target for your RemoveFromParent should be pinned to something from the “DFASDAFAF” event.

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Hello, so my usage is wrong? while features sometimes work as i envision, event dfadfaf is its parent?If I use the visibility node, will I get an error? Sorry, I haven’t learned C++, only Blueprints, and I don’t understand the logic.

It’s easy to fix… Just add a variable of type Widget and set it to the Widget you created in the GYGSEEFEE event - straight after the “Create Xy 1 6 Widget” - then use that variable as the Target for the Remove From Parent.

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So it was, I’ll do it, thanks

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