About relevant subsystems for mobile network game

I want to make my game network enabled.
The game(Free version, single player mode) is already on google market place.
I understand the network concept of UE4 and also know c++ and socket very well.

I don’t know the big picture of relevant subsystems for network game(Especially on mobile)

For example,
can I use photon server? how can I integrate it with UE4’s network system?

My purpose is

  1. Game lobby over internet(not local)
  2. User can make a room and invite, kick and etc…
  3. Available player’s count is two or eight for each game mode

The question is maybe very ambiguous or too wide to reply.

But even if a right link is very helpful to make internet wide multiplayer game.

In my opinion,
I got a answer, maybe, in this forum thread.

I will dig his tutorial and try to make my own subsystem.

Yes, you can use Photon server. Please see http://doc.photonengine.com/en-us/realtime/current/sdks-and-api/sdk-unreal-engine for a guide and a demo project.