Log Output: Error: [MDL] DB element with tag 0 is still referenced while transaction 25 is committed.
i have problem with packaging and i did setup visual studio also
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I encountered the same error in 4.27 today, and I was able to fix it by going into the Engine folder and deleting the NVidia plugin folder in UE_4.27 > Engines > Plugins > Marketplace. After doing this my project packaged with no issues.
Hope that helps!
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thx alot but some errors has been gone and i have another error like
LogFeaturePack: Error: Error in Feature pack F:/un real source 002/UE_5.0/FeaturePacks/TP_VirtualRealityBP.upack. Failed to parse manifest: Invalid Json Token. Line: 43 Ch: 4
UATHelper: Packaging (Windows): ERROR: Cook failed.