Hello, I want to create content with my 3d objects for unreal engine and want to sell on marketplace. I will not develope a game. I’m a little confused.
Which license do I need to use? Publishing License or Creator License ?
If you want to sell something on the Unreal Marketplace you can find the guidelines here: Marketplace Guidelines - Unreal Engine
I hope that’s what you meant.
Thank you for reply YourDownfall. But I couldn’t see any information about the license choice. or i don’t understand…
If you create 3d models and want to sell them over the ue4 marketplace you would need to read the “Marketplace Distribution Agreement”
If you create a commercial game for ue4 you use the publishing license agreement.
If your project is free or to develop linear content or custom projects for clients you use the creator license agreement.
You can read more about it here: Frequently Asked Questions - Unreal Engine