Hello there,
Do you have any opinion about combat frameworks/systems from unreal marketplace? For example, I like the Tempest framework and Combat Fury, are they worth it for that premium price? A lot of these assets use reviews for verification, so they are kinda misleading. I also looked at Ascent, but that seems too overbloated. Asset named GBWPowerfulHit seemed cool, but people say this lacks support and good documentation.
I undetstand that animations/assets I would need to provide by myself, what they show is mostly as a demo/showcase of functions. I want it because I’m not that good with programming (but I understand blueprints), I mostly excel at art and music, and this could save me a lot of time.
Do you have any recommendations/advice on this? If it is not worth it, I might just do it by myself, it would just take much longer.
I use unreal 5.3 for my game
Thanks a lot for any advice!