I implemented the function of dynamically downloading and loading required resources using the chunkDownLoader plug-in in UE5.0.3. Using the ChunkDownloader technology in UE, the application will download the pak to Saved\PersistentDownloadDir\PakCache, and when the corresponding pak is missing in the Content, it will search for the corresponding pak from the Saved\PersistentDownloadDir\PakCache directory.
But after upgrading the project to UE5.2, I found that the application no longer loads resources from the Saved\PersistentDownloadDir\PakCache directory. As long as the application cannot find the corresponding resource from Content, it returns directly
Error: Couldn’t find file for package /Game/XXXXX requested by async loading code. NameToLoad: /Game/XXXXXX . As a result, resources in the pak that have been downloaded and mounted cannot be dynamically loaded.
Can someone help me solve this problem?
我在UE5.0.3版本实现了使用chunkDownLoader插件动态下载和加载所需资源的功能。在UE中使用 ChunkDownloader技术 ,应用程序会将pak下载至Saved\PersistentDownloadDir\PakCache ,并且在Content里缺失对应pak的时候,从 Saved\PersistentDownloadDir\PakCache 目录中去寻找相应的pak。
但是在将项目升级到UE5.2版本后,我发现应用程序不再从 Saved\PersistentDownloadDir\PakCache目录中 加载资源了。只要应用程序从Content里找不到对应资源,那么就直接返回
Error: Couldn’t find file for package /Game/XXXXX requested by async loading code. NameToLoad: /Game/XXXXXX 。从而导致无法动态加载下载完成并挂载完成的pak里的资源。