About AI perception, AI sense is lost

When the number of AI is greater than 7, the AI sense will be lost approximately every 0.02 seconds. When player character is close to the character of AI, the sense will hardly be lost. Moreover, when player character is located in border of AI watching area, the AI sense will always be lost. I print lost in output window when AI can’t see player. otherwise, print “---------”. wonder how to solve this problem, Thank you.


Is your AIPerception component set on the character or on the controller? If it was set on the character then can you try moving it to the controller and check if that makes any difference. Also, be sure to set the character’s eye-height correctly - try setting it to a value higher than where your pawn’s head is. This is just to rule out any uncertainties related to that.

You can also check out my answer here for why it’s necessary to do so: https://answers.unrealengine.com/questions/365122/actors-size-difference-influences-ai-sight-percept.html

Thanks for your answer. My AIPerception component is already set on the controller and character’s eye-height is 200. But the issue still exists. Maybe it’s not a bug but a unreal solution for performance optimization. Anyway, Thank you for your answer.