About adding another object or character in Unreal Engine

Can i use my own character or my own object and adding in Unreal Engine and use it to make video animation? Thank you.


what if I create to commercial?

To quote the Unreal Engine EULA

i. Non-Engine Products (e.g., Rendered Video Files)
You will not owe us any royalty payments for Distributing Products that (i) do not include any Engine Code, (ii) do not require any Engine Code to run and (iii) do not include Starter Content in source format (“Non-Engine Products”) to any person or entity.

When you create your own assets and render a video animation with those, that video animation is yours, and you may distribute it in whatever way you wish, since it does not actively use the engine during distribution.

oh i see, so i can use my own created and render video or photo in Unreal Engine, thank you…