About 4.26 Build Patch Tool

The .pak file is generated in the directory specified in the HTTP Chunk installation with BuildPatchTool.
When packaging iOS on mac, after the first generation is completed, the second generation does not start and the packaging is not completed and ipa cannot be created.
I copied the 4.25 Build Patch Tool to the 4.36 BUild Patvh Tool and the packaging was complete.
However, the following error has occurred and I am in trouble because I do not know where to fix it.

Error: AddRedirectList (/Users/hoge/Library/Preferences/Unreal Engine/BuildPatchTool/Mac/Engine.ini) found conflicting redirectors for EPhysicsType! Old: EPhysicsType, New: /Script/PhysicsCore.EPhysicsType

Error: LocRes’ …/…/…/Engine/Content/Localization/Engine/en/Engine.locres’ is too new to be loaded (File Version: 3, Loader Version: 2)

Error: AddRedirectList (/Users/Unity-M13/Library/Preferences/Unreal Engine/BuildPatchTool/Mac/Engine.ini) found conflicting redirectors for MovieSceneBoolSection! Old: /Script/MovieSceneTracks.MovieSceneBoolSection, New: /Script/MovieScene.MovieSceneBoolSection!
How should I fix it?