Ablity to build to other platforms?

Is there a current ability to build for other platforms other than windows 64? I can not seem to find it. Also if there is not, when will that ability be available?

Hi Jt, we’re currently developing win 32 support in addition to mobile and OS X. No ETA as of yet, but it will be coming.

So we won’t be seeing any new games built with Unreal Engine on any of the consoles or Linux in the future?

If you want to develop for consoles, you will need to have console license and a UE4 license which can be done by contacting licensing@epicgames.com.

For Linux development, what version are you wanting to develop on? There are many flavors of Linux OS that work very differently. Which platforms would you want linux support for?

Thanks for your feedback,


I think we will probably be seeing at least console support in the future, it would be a mistake to not support them. I’m also hoping we will be able to install the tools on 32-bit in the future. My main development box is still 32-bit due to an ordering error on my part and I’m dreading the prospect of another rebuild when I’ll be replacing it in a few months.

Ubuntu linux would be great.

Ya any Debian flavor would be great. Also where is the Android and IOS support coming in?

Hi JT,

No ETA as of yet, but it will be coming.

Is there any chance there could be support for microsoft surface Rt devices? i know MS want you to use xna, but epic and microsoft are pretty good friends, you could maybe work something out?

We have no additional platforms or plans to announce at this point in time.

Thanks for your continued interest, we want you to have more platforms for Rocket too, but don’t know when that will be.