Able Ability System Info and Support Thread

im using the most up to date version. I’m going to see if it’s a problem with any other plugins I have enabled

ok completely blank project again, only able enabled in the plugins. and i still get the same error, heres some extra info

That error makes no sense. Look at in the latest for 4.24 and you’ll see it defined properly.


I know other users have reported issues with having their projects in the User directory (there can be permission issues with UE). You may want to make your project outside of your User directory (so just on your flat C drive or what not).

i think permissions might just be the answer, i just tried a rebuild from source and VS told me it couldnt delete the old project files. so with that and your thinking. i think it maybe cracked, will report back. thanks for your time.

spoke to soon, still the same error. i uninstalled the plugin and reinstalled it and still nothing has changed, my projects are just in C:/
im really not to sure what else it could be. might reinstall unreal in a different location or something :stuck_out_tongue:

i have reinstalled visual studio and ue4, everything is placed in C:/
I also installed 4.24.3, it compiles and packages perfectly in 4.24.3 its just 4.25.2 that doesnt want to compile.

i found the fix, i ahd to move able to my projects plugins folder, the one in the engine doesnt seem to work. heres a thread of people with the same issue specifically with 4.25.2…2901/view.html

Interesting, I package on 4.25.2 locally with it as an engine plugin and haven’t had issues (but then again I do a source build). Thanks for the heads up and glad you figured it out.

ok, sorry to bother you again ! im wondering how perhaps you might go about setting particle effects to have dynamic positioning and scaling. im scaling the size of my collisions ect based on stats but im unable to make the particle match. should i create a custom task for my needs ? or is there something i can do out of the box ?

There currently isn’t a way to dynamically change the scale of a particle. It’s an easy add though so I’ll see about tossing that in the next update. Dynamically changing the location however is a bit of a taller order. You may be better off making a custom task for that.

I’m following your chain lighting ability tutorial to create an ability of my own. Any idea why I can’t get OnCollisionEvent to do anything? Won’t even print a string.

I have all the basic settings for the collision correct, the custom filter is working properly and damage is being applied; so it is colliding with actors. Just can’t modify the collision event.

Do you have the Query Task set to Fire Event?

I started to get a crash error out of nowhere saying “objects breaking disregard for GC assumptions” and haven’t been able to fix it.
Anyone knows anything about it ?
here’s some of the crash logs

[2020.07.26-04.40.57:711][873]LogGarbage: Warning: Disregard for GC object Function /Game/Character/Abilities/CC/KnockDown.KnockDown_C:ExecuteUbergraph_KnockDown referencing AblAbilityContext /Game/Maps/Arena_Game.Arena_Game:PersistentLevel.Player_C_2147482362.AblComponent.AblAbilityContext_2147481646 which is not part of root set
[2020.07.26-04.40.57:711][873]LogGarbage: Warning: Disregard for GC object Function /Game/Character/Abilities/CC/KnockDown.KnockDown_C:ExecuteUbergraph_KnockDown referencing AblAbilityContext /Game/Maps/Arena_Game.Arena_Game:PersistentLevel.Player_C_2147482362.AblComponent.AblAbilityContext_2147481646 which is not part of root set
[2020.07.26-04.40.57:711][873]LogGarbage: Warning: Disregard for GC object Function /Game/Character/Abilities/CC/KnockDown.KnockDown_C:ExecuteUbergraph_KnockDown referencing Player_C /Game/Maps/Arena_Game.Arena_Game:PersistentLevel.Player_C_2147482362 which is not part of root set
[2020.07.26-04.40.57:711][873]LogGarbage: Warning: Disregard for GC object Function /Game/Character/Abilities/CC/KnockDown.KnockDown_C:ExecuteUbergraph_KnockDown referencing Player_C /Game/Maps/Arena_Game.Arena_Game:PersistentLevel.Player_C_2147482362 which is not part of root set
[2020.07.26-04.40.57:711][873]LogGarbage: Warning: Disregard for GC object Function /Game/Character/Abilities/CC/KnockDown.KnockDown_C:ExecuteUbergraph_KnockDown referencing Player_C /Game/Maps/Arena_Game.Arena_Game:PersistentLevel.Player_C_2147482362 which is not part of root set
[2020.07.26-04.40.57:711][873]LogGarbage: Warning: Disregard for GC object Function /Game/Character/Abilities/CC/KnockDown.KnockDown_C:ExecuteUbergraph_KnockDown referencing Player_C /Game/Maps/Arena_Game.Arena_Game:PersistentLevel.Player_C_2147482362 which is not part of root set

I’m not sure I can keep using able, it crashed constantly and corrupts constantly or just breaks.

list of things I’ve had just in the last 2 hours.

collision queries seem to work correctly. then I add apply damage and make it dependable on the query. my query then for some reason triggers from much further away. I really can’t figure this out and it’s driving me nuts.

I changed the FOV value on a cone collision in an ability, the editor crashed and the ability wouldn’t compile after. had to remake it, again.

I mean heck, here’s a picture of a complete blank ability I made and it just wouldn’t compile. I had to delete it and try again. and that one compiled but the animation wouldn’t play in the editor

not sure if I should do a source compile fo the editor or roll back a bit or something. but so far I love this tool, it’s just not seemingly usable. any info I can give you to help please just ask, happy to make videos and stuff if useful.

EDIT: ok I didn’t want to just complain and be a jerk, so I did some troubleshooting.

editor version UE4 v 4.25.2
downloaded straight from epic launcher

it seems dependencies get stuck sometimes. for example, if you delete a dependency and forget to remove it from other tasks it bricks the ability completely and will never compile again. but it’s worth noting, sometimes this just happens. if you remove the dependencies manually and then remove the collision task for example. it MIGHT still brick. I test 10 abilities. 2 were unusable even after the correct removal of dependencies.

parent abilities, I have a parent ability which is just blank but holds all my custom function, getting dynamic FOV and distance for example. so when I make a child it does it automatically, but if I go back to my parent’s ability and change one of those functions it doesn’t break the children, but the parameters returned are incorrect. I think this is why I was noticing my queries hitting units further away than it should have.

another update! I found another issue with queries when doing a 2d query for a cone, it seems to not correctly calculate the collision. if my FOV is around 90 or so it seems fine, soon as I hit 180 or more it goes super wonky. here’s a gif ( you can watch in high quality to actually read it ) but the gist is.
i printing the distance of my query, the 3rd swing is a distance of 300, it shouldn’t reach. I am 400 units from the enemy. but if I switch to a 3d collision check it works. it’s not a problem now I know, but it should probably be looked at.

Hmmm, let me see if I get these issues straight:

1.) You can end up with ghost dependencies if you delete a Task but forget to remove the Depedency on another Task. That’s fair, I can see if I can’t make that a bit more friendly and make sure it cleans up the dependency on other tasks. Able should do that automatically whenever you re-load an Ability in the Editor.

2.) This one I need to see a project for. Not sure why the parameters would break.

3.) So 3D query is working fine for > 180 but not 2D? Can you grab this project and try it there: Dropbox - File Deleted - Simplify your life That’s a simple level with all the collisions being tested (if the enemy plays the particle effect, it was found). You can tweak the 2D Collision Cone Query to be > 180 and see if it repros.

Is this in the Editor? Or at runtime? Looks like you’re trying to manually add an Ability to the Root Set or some such to avoid GC. That shouldn’t be necessary.

yes sorry, i have been kinda smashing my way through able and just rambling in the edit box. I apologize for possibly making a complete mess, I believe the parameters are actually correct, but at the time i was thinking they were wrong due to the collision query wonkiness, I will download the project now and try it.

here you go my dude.

Interesting… Yea, I’m not sure why distance would affect the FOV (or vice versa). Cool, thanks for the repro video. I’ll check it out.

Think I have a simple fix, testing it right now with some other changes. Should submit it later tonight.

pssst, not to be “that guy” but if you could do something about the other collision types, all having their root at the center, that could be awsome. if i dynamicly change the size of a box collider for example would push away from the character that would be super neat. ive been trying to think of ways of having a null object kinda dloat around at a center spot but then im also wondering how i could attach ti and im coming up blank. thanks !

thinking on they above, maybe i could do a change of context in the able editor ? directly grab a component and use it something like that ? im sure theres a way with your systems, i understand you cant just change the root of a collision thing lol. ill have a think and a tinker. ive got some cool dynamic ground indicators too that match the collision perfectly. i might make a tutorial or something.

They do all have their root at their center. Or are you saying you want an option to skip that? Ideally you’d just update the offset when you scale the size to account for things. It’s certainly possible be add an option for that, but I’d need to know more on what you’re trying for.