Able Ability System Info and Support Thread

Is there a way to set settings of the spawned Actor over Able?
I have some variables, which shall change everytime, a projectile get launched!

Yes, there’s an OnSpawnedActor method that gets called on the Ability BP if you enable the “Fire Event” option in your Spawn Actor Task. You can use that to set any extra parameters anytime you spawn an actor.

@ Hi again and thank you for your latest answer!

What could cause an ability to still fire even though I’ve set “Requires Target” to true? Basically I want my boss character to only use specific abilities if any targets are within range. The targeting works fine when a character is within range, but it doesn’t stop when I run out of range. I am positive that it has no targets because the projectiles I spawn throw out errors like no tomorrow due to no targets being sent through.

Anteckning 2020-06-18 153606.png

@ - mate :slight_smile: For the last weeks I haven been posting any questions as I managed to do EVERYTHING I ever wanted with an ability system with ABLE. The newest update added very important feature for me faster than expected. If anyone have any doubt about picking picking ABLE vs UE4 Ability System… I would recommend ABLE in all cases scenarios and all type of games 10/10.
So… a big thank you for all the work you put into it. All the hours of support. all the answers to all my silly questions! :slight_smile:

I’m not sure. Turn on Verbose mode on the Ability itself and it should give you a print out of the targeting logic.

Awesome, glad to hear it :slight_smile:

Has anyone done tests for Able + Multiplayer? Wondering about performance with 20-40 players per server.


Found a bug since the new update I cannot use the overlap watcher task a collision dependency for Apply Damage Task.

To replicate just create a overlap watcher task mark copy to context and collision channel to pawn and then add a apply damage task.

plz since update i broke the whole project :frowning:

I haven’t changed anything with Overlap Watcher in a LONGGG time. Is Verbose mode telling you anything?

Able v3.32 Submitted, notes below:

Done ABLE with 100 AI agents with no problem. Over 200 running on tests in SpatialOS (and it works with spatialOS without issues) its good to run events on client and server in case of latency. I am using the oldschool replication method of ABLE. the original one. Where every ability have 1 instance. Havent tried the other mothods.

Thank you for much for those figures. What does SpacialOS have that’s different than AWS or Azure??

Spatial OS is a framework not server types. It has its own interpretation of replication. And their servers are actually hosted on Amazon.

One of my projects with ABLE at its core was hosted in Azure windows VM’s with great success.

Able v3.35 has been submitted. Notes below.

Able v3.36 submitted.

Hey there ,

the Output Log gives me these warnings if I build my project:

UATHelper: Cooking (Windows): LogInit: Display: LogSavePackage: Warning: G:\Project_ALVUS_424\Project_ALVUS\Content\Gameplay\AISystem\Abilities\01_Minor\Able_AI_Minor_Ranged_Attack.uasset: Non-deterministic cook warning - PreSave() has modified CDO 'Default__Able_AI_Minor_Ranged_Attack_C' - a resave may be required
UATHelper: Cooking (Windows): LogInit: Display: LogSavePackage: Warning: G:\Project_ALVUS_424\Project_ALVUS\Content\Gameplay\AISystem\Abilities\01_Minor\Able_AI_Minor_Melee_Attack_Child_01.uasset: Non-deterministic cook warning - PreSave() has modified CDO 'Default__Able_AI_Minor_Melee_Attack_Child_01_C' - a resave may be required
UATHelper: Cooking (Windows): LogInit: Display: LogSavePackage: Warning: G:\Project_ALVUS_424\Project_ALVUS\Content\Gameplay\AISystem\Abilities\01_Minor\Able_AI_Minor_Melee_Attack.uasset: Non-deterministic cook warning - PreSave() has modified CDO 'Default__Able_AI_Minor_Melee_Attack_C' - a resave may be required
UATHelper: Cooking (Windows): LogInit: Display: LogSavePackage: Warning: G:\Project_ALVUS_424\Project_ALVUS\Content\Gameplay\AISystem\Abilities\01_Minor\Able_AI_Minor_Melee_Attack_Child_02.uasset: Non-deterministic cook warning - PreSave() has modified CDO 'Default__Able_AI_Minor_Melee_Attack_Child_02_C' - a resave may be required
UATHelper: Cooking (Windows): LogInit: Display: LogSavePackage: Warning: G:\Project_ALVUS_424\Project_ALVUS\Content\Gameplay\AISystem\Abilities\01_Minor\Able_AI_Minor_Melee_Attack_Child_03.uasset: Non-deterministic cook warning - PreSave() has modified CDO 'Default__Able_AI_Minor_Melee_Attack_Child_03_C' - a resave may be required

I tried to resave all of them one by one and tried to resave the folder, etc., but the result is the same, nothing helped.

Can you look at it, please? :slight_smile:

Ah, interesting. Yea, I can get a fix for that.

Able v3.37 has been submitted. Notes below:

Thank you ! :)​​​​​​​

First off thank you so much, I love your plugin.


  1. For some reason when I run the game client vs client online, the range on my collision querys is much shorter. When I play on a listen server and the server is involved in the collision query, wether being the attacker or the one getting hit, the range is correct.

I am using a 2d cone collision query. Everything else is working fine besides…

  1. My ability has 2 collision querys that deal separate damage. When the first attack lands the second is guaranteed to deal damage even though clear targets it enabled.

whats the setup of your query? whats the realm? Maybe you should only check on server? or one is running on client? maybe both query’s are setup differently… also… why would you need 2?

@ any chance you can look at thumbnails? They aren’t saving for me @ 4.25.

  • create thumb,
  • save ability,
  • close editor,
  • open editor again and your thumb will be null,