Able Ability System Info and Support Thread

No problem AngelV. I hope it helps you make an amazing game(s). Feel free to leave a review if you haven’t already as that really helps. :slight_smile:


left one long time ago. :slight_smile: But it doesn’t show my name as it is bought on my another account. This is my personal forum account. I also use 2 company accounts.

So, it took me some time to get back to all this. I downloaded your setup and it actually has the same problem if I launch the project as a standalone game, giving the cast of nullptr error.

Standalone Game does some weird things with BPs. Does this occur in a packaged project? I’ll keep poking at it.

Able 3.29 Submitted. Notes below:


I’ve recently purchased this plugin and played a little bit in a seperate project. Once I tried to add this plugin to an existing one, I had troubles with opening the Ability Editor at all. I remember in your wiki, that the preview character has to have an AbilityComponent attached. Otherwise the Editor will crash. I forgot to add one the first time opening an ability and selecting the preview character. I added the ability component later on, but can still not open die ability editor at all. Unreal just crashes with not so helpfull logs:

[2020.04.18-22.15.04:680][823]AssetCheck: New page: Asset Save: test01
[2020.04.18-22.15.04:680][823]LogContentValidation: Display: Validating AblAbilityBlueprint /Game/xxxxx/Default/Abilities/test01.test01
[2020.04.18-22.15.46:672][837]LogAssetEditorSubsystem: Opening Asset editor for AblAbilityBlueprint /Game/xxxxx/Default/Abilities/test01.test01
[2020.04.18-22.15.46:945][837]LogContentBrowser: Native class hierarchy updated for ‘BlueprintGraph’ in 0.0011 seconds. Added 121 classes and 0 folders.
[2020.04.18-22.15.47:937][837]LogTabManager: Warning: Cannot spawn tab because no spawner is registered for ‘CompilerResults’
[2020.04.18-22.15.47:984][837]LogSlate: Warning: The tab “CompilerResults” attempted to spawn but failed for some reason. An “unrecognized tab” will be returned instead.

It worked perfectly in a clean, empty project.

Thanks for the help!

Generally that means you have some other plugin that doesn’t play nice with Able (I remember the Locomotion V3 had that issue before). There’s nothing in that log you posted that seems wrong. Can you get a callstack (make sure you have Debug symbols installed from the launcher) and actually copy and paste that in?

Well kids … don’t do things when two hours past bedtime :smiley: The preview character uses the smooth sync plugin. Once you mentioned plugins everything was clear to me :smiley: disable the plugin, create a new “just for preview”-Character, switch the preview asset and thats it. Thanks for the help ^^

Ah, yea, that makes sense. Smooth Sync does some stuff in the actor tick that the Ability Editor doesn’t like (because it wants to control the actor tick as well).


Hi. Im trying to integrate this in to ALS V4 for a costumer.
But im stucking. It just says: Internal Systems Error.
Any Idea how to solve this?

Internal Systems Error is the default value that is assigned in activated ability. The only way I can see you reaching that is if you have the Ability Instance policy set to “Instance (Replicated)” - in which case, it’s actually fine - things just got kicked to the server. It should use that message, but that’s it. That’s actually a beta feature, so I wouldn’t use it unless you have to - I haven’t put it through it’s paces yet.

I know there have been previous issues with ALS and Able, but I’m not sure what the conflict is there. Able just sits in its own component and doesn’t anything crazy. Not sure what ALS is doing.

@ One more question - I can scale ability playrate, and it transfers to animation… Can I scale just the animation?
Long version:
I know I can In animgraph - but I’m using SUB-GRAPHS, and my abilities would have to play in blendspaces in a subgraph. In current setup I play montages in proper slot that is in the main anim graph, long after the sub graph and blendspaces. in a Graph that is just merging and making some ik cleanup and retargeting, so animations work perfectly on male and female character. And in montage It works great. But I want to be able to blend idle and walk… idle is basically frame 0 from walking… so i figured I could play ability in montage slot and slow down and speed up based on character velocity. normally slot animations dont allow change of playrate. Also if Im playing anim in a slot - can I use the auto rule to blend back from ability animation and it will detect clearing of slot or that animations is not looping, or the opposite that the anim is looping and shouldn’t blend back as long as it is? I haven’t found answers in the documentation so I rather ask.
Lets Say I have a attack start -> attack loop ->attack end (execute swing). But If I end attack start before loop triggers I can execute quick swing. I setup it as 3 abilities that are linked, channeled, with multi branch conditions. For montages it works like a charm! Blends perfectly. Use single slot so doesn’t overcomplicate the anim graph. I have attacks branching based on what direction the character is moving. So it starts with simple check of velocity angle, and goes into proper chain of abilities. I still execute single ability :slight_smile:

Short version:
Any idea if I could use sub graphs and auto blend nodes on blendspace based on ability animation time?

You can dynamically pass in the Animation Play rate for just the animation. The “scale to Ability play rate” is just a convenience feature. Able doesn’t really “read” anything back from the animation system. It’s a one-way communication. “Play this at this speed” or “change the speed to this”. That’s to maintain the async nature of animations (and to stay out of it’s way basically).

I’m having a problem where when I make an ability, trying to open the ability crashes the editor.

Probably your preview asset. Are you using any plugins like ALS or SmoothSync? If so, you need to change your preview asset to an actor that doesn’t contain those items (you can change it in the Editor Settings -> Ability Editor -> Preview Asset.

Hi. I tried to pass the damage to UE4 System. I really got crazy, until i noticed that the cone does not produce a hit event. If i use Sphere etc. it works!

That doesn’t seem to work. It’s saying it can’t find the asset manager.

Never mind! I forgot I had overridden the asset manager. I switched it back in the Engine.ini and it fixed everything.

Glad you figured it out.

@ HELP! I made abilities that branch and they work absolutely perfect on sever. wont work on dedicated servers client. I mean they DO work, but they always branch.
Heres the setup:
Melee start - Check if can trigger.
Ok run
Theres a branch condition on 90% ability - IF Input -hold (negate) than branch to ability fast attack. (in general if you hold and charge heavy attach it will go to next branch… if you release while branching it will perform quick attack instead)
Another branch 90-100% of ability - takes you to heavy attack idle - a channeled ability.

My problem: On dedicated server the client instantly goes into fast attack. 1-2 frames and whoop! fast attack.
What am I missing to make it work on dedicated server?

I also checked if I activate the ability on owner correctly? Both activation on a component and from context both doesn’t work. if host use ability host sees it perfectly - client at all. if client activate the ability it executes with early mentioned auto-branch immediately both on client and server.