I'm rendering 360 4k images (PNG) which takes about 24 hours or longer to export each video part. The movie is about 2 to 3 minutes with 7 video parts. After 17 hours Twinmotion crashes or the server reboots. The reason does not matter the take away is that the export aborts for some reason (crash, reboots, power outage, act of nature, version 2021 vs 2022 ....). Is there a way to choose a video part and a time offset? I need a way to export based on a time line? A timeline does not existent in Twinmotion. I have each video part exported on separate servers (iRender cloud rendering). The problem I have is that Twinmotion crashes. The only option I have is to start the export for a video part over again. This would not be too much of an issue but I'm spending $$$ to export the images. I have no issue with the exporting aborted. That can be expected. What I have an issue with is not being able to start where the exports stopped therefore I have to start all over and spend more $$$. I guess my only option as of now would be to have more video parts and reduce each part of the render.