Ability to Set variables within AnimNotifies

I understand that Notifies aren’t designed to work this way, as variables are just “ways in” to the Notify (i.e. parameters that can be set within persona).

But the problem is that Notifies, particularly NotifyStates, have three separate functions which can’t intercommunicate at all without the ability to Set variables which remain consistent between them.

e.g. if I want a NotifyState to spawn a particle emitter when it begins, then modify its size when it Ticks, then destroy that emitter when it Ends, I’d need to promote the reference from the Spawn Emitter node to a variable, but I can’t actually do this.

Totally agree with this one, for example I can’t lerp between two values in Nortify Tick from state begin to state end, because you can only get notify duration in Notify Begin and can’t set duration as a variable for Tick to use.

Same, i don’t understand the use of a AnimNotifyState whitout variables ?