ability to set lower GPU load/ priority

I am working with RealityCapture while travelling. I have a "mobile workstation’ with 32 gb ram and a nvidia 880m 8gb gpu. However, processing in RC takes currently most my working time, since I can’t do anything else while it runs. I really wouldn’t mind if it would run somewhat slower (2 or 4x would be ok) if I only could use the computer alongside with it. I have a hardware monitor which shows me that the maximum use of GPU memory is about 15 %, memory scheduler doesn’t go over 50% load, while GPU core is at 100 %. When I open a 3d package and try to work on a huge scene, there is still plenty of GPU memory left, however I can’t really work on something. Setting preferences in windows task manager doesn’t do anything by now.
Maybe lowering the number of GPU cores available for RC could be possible somehow?

Hi vilem.duha

That’s not possible to at least for now. over CPUs can set different cores to be used ( Affinity ) but for GPU its not a option. but if it’s a must then better to look for some external GPUs.

Thanks for the info, I also read elsewhere that cuda actually doesn’t allow setting priorities between individual processess so far.
External GPU might be actually a good solution, although I didn’t know those existed until now :slight_smile: