Ability to open two levels at a time (feature request)

The ability to have two levels open at the same time will revolutionize level design. We ll be able to have our palette level and the level we are building on, and it will speed up the process designing elements sooooo much, we are talking like x80 efficiency. This also works for mechanics, and it will apply to UE5 users. Such an important feature to have!

The ability to copy things you want from a level and paste them in another with no loading screens in between would be superb.

@Wertandrew Thank you for your feedback. While I cannot guarantee a response, I can confirm that this has been forwarded to the appropriate team.

Hi Wert,

This is a feature of the ‘Actor Palette’ plugin for UE5. So, I imagine it’s only a matter of time before it’s usable in UEFN. (UE6 at latest? :wink: )


That is exactly it! Alright, what would it take to get this to UEFN?

I don’t know what it would take. It could be mostly a question of “When would integration of this plugin be a priority?”

Another question would be ‘Will there ever be plugin support for UEFN?’ (insert can of worms emojii here)

As of 5.3 the Actor Palette plugin is marked as ‘Beta’, so completion of the plugin would be a first step.

Also, as Fab starts to gain prominence I think the argument for prioritizing integration gains strength. (Many people buying asset galleries on Fab for use in UEFN)

It was a theoretical question, but I agree. Hopefully if Epic sees this they will consider it.

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