Ability and Skill Tree System Series

@zickig Please watch your tone on your response, you are borderline insulting and I suggest you maybe think about how you like to respond and make posts. Thanks.


I havenā€™t watched this yet but I wanted to thank you for putting these guides out there. Itā€™s a great resource for a lot of new people they will be able to start figuring out the logic of how certain systems work.

Keep up the hard work!

Unreal is so far from becoming unity.
Thereā€™s no wrong way in making anything that works by example.
Tutorials are meant for noobs. Thatā€™s why noobs watch tutorialsā€¦ If they werenā€™t noobs they wouldnt need a tutorial. Lol.

Thank you for these tutorials. I found them recently and have been following them. Sometimes up to date tutorials can be hard to find on some topics. Bravo and keep up the good work.

Hello, please help me, in this episode i followed to drag and drop, but as many comments, i can only do so if i am currently casting something, how do i fix this?

I ran into a similar roadblock and it turns out one of the nodes being used in the Drag and Drop process has been split into 2 nodes due to a functionality conflict.

So after doing some digging around on the forums, the issue stems from a change in the On Mouse Button Down override function. For this type of functionality, we now have to use the OnPreviewMouseButtonDown override function. I tested this and it works perfectly now!

@ It may be helpful for others if this could be added to the video description or something similar as this is for all versions of the engine as of 4.17.

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