Aberration Update Broke Mod (Auto Reload)

Hey, was wondering if anyone else has this issue.

I’ve released two mods back in the summer of 2017 featuring automatic rifles that shoot tranq darts (both vanilla and modded), so they keep firing as you hold down the button. They worked perfectly until the Aberration update was released. Now if the fire button is not held down the weapon reloads if it is not at full ammo. Here’s the best part: this only happens in the game, in the editor it works just as it did before. And in the game I tested it with only the current mod active so there are not other mods causing the issue.

The person who let me know that this was happening also said they saw it happen to other mods which shoot tranq ammo at semi-auto/auto rate since Aberration came out so something got screwed up. I checked to make sure that no values were changed in the weapons/ammo and they are all the same as before including no auto reload.

I’m afraid it might just be something that can’t be fixed until they add the Aberration content to the editor.

Thanks for any advice!